10 Tips On Creating More Agile Teams

10 Tips On Creating More Agile Teams

The agile team is all the rage in today's modern workforce. Small, cross-functional groups of professionals working with shared purpose and maximum independence to create a product (or hone a specific element of one).

Where's my stuff? Freelancers and the challenge of managing too many apps.

Where's my stuff? Freelancers and the challenge of managing too many apps.

Freelancers have a huge range of work to keep track of, not even including their billable hours. Marketing, lead generation, time tracking, legal paperwork, billing clients, and expense tracking, to name a few, are some of the common ranges of work that a freelancer has to keep track of. As a result, it isn’t unusual for a freelancer to have a combination of 5-10 applications to meet their requirements.

Developing Mobile Web Apps, When Why and How

There are 6.8 billion people on the planet, 5.1 billion of whom own a cell phone (source). And today, an ever-growing percentage of these devices are smartphones. According to a recent Pew Research Center Study, the number of users accessing the Internet on their smartphones has more than doubled in the past 5 years, as has the number of users downloading and using mobile apps. Of those who use the Internet or email on their phones, more than a third go online primarily through their handheld devices...

Mobile SharePoint Solutions

Mobile SharePoint Solutions

For many business users, SharePoint is an essential application they can't work without. But, having established its legacy over a decade ago, SharePoint wasn’t built with mobile in mind.

Accessing the search page inside SharePoint from your phone isn’t intuitive. Navigating to settings, then site actions, then manage site features is only the beginning. Another three steps are required to get view the page in it's proper 'mobile view.'

Requiring multiple steps to access your data from a mobile device isn’t cohesive with today’s user expectations resulting from pixel-perfect consumer apps.

Key Takeaways from The Sales Development Playbook, part 3

Key Takeaways from The Sales Development Playbook, part 3

Key takeaways, section-by-section from the Sales Development Playbook: Build Repeatable Pipeline and Accelerate Growth with Inside Sales

Key Takeaways from The Sales Development Playbook, part 1

Key Takeaways from The Sales Development Playbook, part 1

Need a refresher on the Sales Development Playbook?

Look no further, we did the work and created detailed notes so you can easily review what you need.

8 Habits to Work More Productively from Home

8 Habits to Work More Productively from Home

Many entrepreneurs start out working from home as they work to grow their business. But they’re not the only ones taking advantage of the benefits of working from home. According to a Gallup poll, working from home has increased 30% during the last decade. 

The perks are obvious: no commute time and a potential tax write-off for your working space. But, maintaining a high level of productivity can become a challenge. 

How to Skyrocket Productivity on Your Android Phone (Slideshare)

How to Skyrocket Productivity on Your Android Phone (Slideshare)

Our phones aren't going anywhere...working on our phones isn't going anywhere. 

With so much information on your phone, how do you find everything?

What are the Best Mobile Based Search Engines?

Defining the best mobile search depends on what your needs are. Do you want search primarily for the web? Or to find stuff on your phone? Most mobile search engines combine both web and device results, usually with a prioritization of one over the other. Essentially, it comes down to finding the right one for your needs.

How Mobile Search Can be Reinvented

We believe mobile search can be reinvented by focusing less on web search results, and more on what the user already has on their phone.

Search on mobile should be more about finding the information fragmented across dozens of apps rather than strong web results and weak device search.

Users should be able to search the content they have on their phone, the information buried inside their apps, and the web, if needed.

10 Best Productivity Apps

10 Best Productivity Apps

From remembering where you parked your car to entertaining you with Candy Crush Saga, your phone has an app for everything.

We waded through lists of productivity apps to find the ten most users agree are the best.

Let us know if you have a favorite that we missed.

17 reasons why IntelliJ IDEA is better than Eclipse

Recently, I had to go back and use Eclipse IDE, after using Android Studio (based on IntelliJ) for a while. These are the things I'm missing, and the reasons that make IntelliJ better, IMH/AO.

  1. Search files by name with any string, without the need to use a "*". 
  2. Right-click any line in the code and copy a reference to it.
  3. Files are saved automatically.
  4. No need to hit ctrl+space to autocomplete code.
  5. Just having your cursor on a line allows you to copy or cut it, no need to actually mark it.
  6. Just pasting a string between two quotes e.g. "" does the escaping for you.
  7. One click adds a breakpoint, why do you need to double click???
  8. You can dig through private methods from outside the class if you hit ctrl+space twice.
  9. AutoMagically bring a variable to scope.
  10. Right click menu has a "show file in finder/explorer."
  11. Alt+click a tab's X button to close all the other tabs.
  12. Tells you when to use StringBuilder vs String.
  13. Gives hints about wrong access modifiers, e.g. when overriding a private super method.
  14. You can refactor your code even when it has syntax compilation errors.
  15. The log monitor has filtering capabilities.
  16. Watches are guessed according to your breakpoint's scope and are shown in the same window with debug variables.
  17. Window layouts make sense out of the box, and doesn't need constant reshuffling.


BTW, I use them both for JAVA.

5 Best Android Apps for Nurses

5 Best Android Apps for Nurses

Nurses are required to instantly recall a plethora of information on the job. And while we’d all love a perfect memory, you’ll have to be satisfied with the next best thing. That is, using Android apps which ensure instant access to up-to-date knowledge.

Spotlight Search for Android

Spotlight Search for Android

Our goal in building WhereDat was to build the Spotlight Search for Android.

Of course, the iOS operating system is quite different than the Android OS, so there are distinct differences.

We put up some screenshots side by side so you can see the differences between Spotlight Search and WhereDat. 

How Sleeping Unleashes Your Productivity Superpower

How Sleeping Unleashes Your Productivity Superpower

Sleep, its connection to productivity, and what happens when you don't get enough.

Anyway you choose to look at it, a factor which plays a key role in productivity is your sleep (the duration and quality thereof).

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